Dr. Paul McQuerry came to Valley Grove Baptist Church in January of 2021 as Senior Pastor. Born in Olney, Texas, Paul was raised by loving Christian parents who ensured that he was involved in their local church from birth. At the age of 17, Paul surrendered his life to vocational ministry. Paul served as a youth minister in different churches in west Texas from 1999 to 2009. In December of 2009, Paul began serving as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Happy, Texas until God moved him and his family to Bethel Baptist Church of Graham, Texas in January of 2014 and then to Valley Grove seven years later.
Paul’s passion is to see people learn to use their spiritually endowed gifts to serve God in His church, to lead others to faith in Christ, and to make a difference in the community by ministering to those in need. Paul loves to communicate his passion for Scripture through his sermons and Bible studies and loves to get to know everyone he has the privilege to preach to and teach.
Paul is married to Jennifer McQuerry and has two children: Elizabeth and William. He loves the Dallas Cowboys, the Texas Tech Red Raiders, learning history, and watching funny movies with his family.

Tawnya Menzdorf joined the Valley Grove Staff as secretary in April, 2021. Tawnya and her family have been members of Valley Grove since 2015 and have enjoyed working and serving with all ages helping to grow God's Kingdom. Tawnya is a lifelong resident of Erath County, growing up in Morgan Mill in a wonderful Christian home, graduating from Stephenville High School and Tarleton State University with a degree in Human Resource Management and a minor in Accounting.
Tawnya and her husband, Jerry, have been married since 1994 and have one child, Kolby. Together, they had been involved in a Nursing Home Ministry for many years until COVID ☹. Jerry is currently involved in helping with the music, youth and college ministries at Valley Grove. Kolby is involved in the youth group and helping with children’s activities from time to time. Tawnya enjoys being involved in the music ministry, singing in the choir and helping with the children and youth ministries, as well.

Debbie Boucher has served as Missions and Ministry Minister since January 2017.
She is a native of Stephenville and a Tarleton alumina. She loves serving the Lord alongside her husband Mark. God has allowed them to see God's mighty work to spread the love of Christ to the world. She is blessed with four children, two daughter-in-laws and six grandchild serving God throughout the world..
The Boucher Family has a heart for the nations. It is Debbie's heart's desire to see all people groups reached for God. She leads Valley Grove to see needs in Stephenville and around the world. Debbie helps coordinate partnerships and mission trips to El Salvador, the Northwest and areas in need. She also connects Valley Grove with opportunities to serve in local ministry. She would love for every person at Valley Grove to be involved in ministry and missions.

Rob Gleason came to Valley Grove Baptist Church in June 2014. He is currently serving as Minister of Music and Children’s Minister. Born in Michigan and later moving to Florida, he grew up in a loving family who served the Lord and took him to church every time the doors were open. In 1985, Rob accepted Christ as His Savior and has since desired to serve Him with every area of his life. In 1998, he surrendered to the ministry and pursued a Church Music Degree from Clearwater Christian College where he graduated in 2002. Rob has served in North Carolina as Minister of Music and Youth at Oxford Baptist Church from 2002 to 2008 and held the same title at South River Baptist Church from 2009 to 2014.
Rob’s desire is for the worship of Valley Grove to prepare the hearts of God’s people for the reading and hearing of His Word. Knowing that “Minister” is the first word in his title, Rob enjoys ministering to people and helping them grow in their walk with Christ.
Rob has three boys; Micah, Caleb and Joshua. Most of his time is spent involved with them and ministry, but in his free time, enjoys playing sports and watching his favorite college team, Michigan and cheering for the Detroit Pistons.
Rob is humbled to serve at Valley Grove and enjoys the loving atmosphere him and his boys have experienced since coming to Stephenville.

Austin Hubbard was called to Valley Grove Baptist Church in September of 2022 as the Minister to Youth and Education. In 2007, following a five-year enlistment in the Navy’s Submarine Force, he moved to Stephenville with his wife and graduated from Tarleton State University in 2009 with a degree in Horticulture Science. Austin began working with youth in 2009 and has followed God’s call to ministry in varying capacities at local churches.
Austin is passionate about growing the youth of Stephenville to be unified in Christ, to help others find comfort and strength in He who provides it, and to boldly proclaim the name of Jesus wherever they go. Additionally, Austin loves to see the youth grow into amazing adult leaders in the community.
Austin is married to Holly Hubbard and together they have two sons, Tucker and Titus. Holly was born and raised in Stephenville and is a graduate of both Texas Tech and Tarleton State University. The Hubbard’s enjoy snow skiing in Colorado, creating memories with each other, and all things football.
Valley Grove Baptist Church is a blessing to Austin and his family, and they are honored to serve the community.
The Bible
We believe that the Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is the record of God’s revelation of
Himself to mankind. The Bible has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth - without any
mixture of error - for its matter. The criterion by which the Bible is to be interpreted is Jesus Christ.
We believe in one true and living God, the Maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth. We believe in
the unity of the Godhead; one God in three persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - equal in
divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices.
We believe in God the Father, perfect in holiness and righteousness, infinite in wisdom, measureless in
power. We rejoice that he concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men, that He hears and answers
prayers, and that He saves from sin all that come to Him, through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ
We believe in God the Son, the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, our Lord Jesus
Christ. We believe He was born of a virgin, sinless in His life, making atonement for the sins of the world
by His death on the cross. We believe in His bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His perpetual
intercession for His people and His personal, visible, return to earth in power and glory to judge the world
and to consummate His redemptive mission. We believe He now dwells in all believers as the living and
ever present Lord.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in God the Holy Spirit, who has come into the world, as promised by Christ, to convict the
world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. We believe that the Holy Spirit has come to call mankind
to Jesus as Savior and Lord, to regenerate, sanctify, comfort and empower those who believe in Jesus
Christ. His presence in the Christian is the assurance of God of salvation, and the work of God to bring
the believer into the fullness of the stature of Christ.
We believe that man was created in holiness, but by voluntary transgression fell. The consequence of
which is that all mankind are now sinners and are under just condemnation of eternal death - without
defense or excuse.
We believe that the salvation of sinners is a gift of grace, made possible because of the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ on the cross. We believe that salvation is conditioned upon faith in Jesus – the authenticity of
which is demonstrated in repentance. We believe that nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest
sinner on earth but his own inherent depravity and voluntary rejection of the Gospel. We believe that at
the moment a sinner exercises saving faith (which is a confiding trust in relying on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and Him alone, as his/her all sufficient Savior), he/she is justified.
In its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, and glorification.
Glorification is the culmination of salvation, to be experienced when we are in the heavenly presence of
God in eternity.
Sanctification is the experience, beginning in regeneration, by which the believer is set apart for God’s
purposes, and is enabled to progress toward moral and spiritual perfection through the presence and
power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. Growth in grace should continue throughout the regenerate
person’s life. We believe that true believers will persevere unto the end, kept by the power of God,
through faith.
Regeneration, or the new birth, is a work of Gods grace whereby believers become new creatures in
Christ Jesus. It is a change of heart wrought by the Holy Spirit through conviction of sin, to which the
sinner responds in repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Repentance and faith are
inseparable experiences of grace. We believe that at the moment a sinner exercises saving faith (which
is a confiding trust in relying on the Lord Jesus Christ, and Him alone, as his/her all sufficient Savior),
he/she is justified. Justification brings the believer into a relationship of peace and favor with God. This
justification does not mean that the believer is without sin, but that believers have been freed from the
penalty of their sin because of receiving Christ’s righteousness.
The Church
We believe in the Church as the living spiritual body, of which Christ is the head, and of which all
regenerated people are members. We further believe in a local, visible church, meeting together for
worship, prayer, discipleship, service, and fellowship. Our church is autonomous, being governed by our
congregation, led by our pastor and ministers, and guided by our deacons and leaders. We are called to
a church family to one another; to rejoice when one rejoices and mourn when one mourns, to carry each
others burdens, and to spur one another on toward love and good deeds.